Wyld Thyngz Kindergarten
OFSTED registered kindergarten Setting number EY563037
Open to all children 3-7 years.
Open every week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30 - 2:30
Term-time only.
Check out our funding page for costs and government childcare funding.
Register your interest here!
![IMG_20221219_135414[9175] IMG_20221219_135414[9175]](https://wyldthyngz.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG_20221219_1354149175.jpg)

![IMG_20221219_135429[9170] IMG_20221219_135429[9170]](https://wyldthyngz.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG_20221219_1354299170.jpg)
Really Wyld Thyngz
Ages 5-11
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 10am-3pm
Unaccompanied group for home educated or flexi-schooled children
Book your place here!
Holiday Club
Ages 5-7
The holiday club runs in the Easter and Summer holidays

Yurt in the Dirt
Down a leafy track, within a woodland glade, The Yurt in the Dirt is home to many Wyld Thyngz. Peek inside and seek your own adventure
Find out more about our adult activities on our Yurt in the Dirt Facebook Page